



Monitoring power

FILE_MONITOR is a powerful utility that lets you monitor AOS/VS and AOS/VS II file use by displaying which files are open, who is using them, and how many accesses they receive. With this information, you can efficiently balance and manage your disk subsystems.

Improve disk utilization

The information FILE_MONITOR provides will allow you, the system manager, to improve disk utilization for the best possible performance and response time system wide.

See real-time file activity

FILE_MONITOR allows you to see, in real time, the number of disk accesses accumulated by a particular file or group of files. This takes the guesswork out of identifying heavily used files.

Eliminate system bottlenecks

With FILE_MONITOR you can zoom in on individual files and see who is using them. This is an effective method for identifying system bottlenecks that may result from exclusively opened files.

The right tool

FILE_MONITOR is the right tool for busy system managers who need to know who is doing what on the system.

To order FILE_MONITOR or to get more information, contact:
EAGLE Software, Inc.
123 Indiana Ave.
Salina, Kansas 67401-3213
Phone: (913) 823-7257
FAX: (913) 823-6185
SALES HOTLINE: 800-477-5432
email: info@eaglesoft.com

©1997 EAGLE Software
Last Updated: 10/03/96 webmaster